This weekend I am excited to be travelling down to Milford, Surrey to exhibit at the second Big Arts Show of the year! The show is open from 10am on Sat 10th until 5pm on Sun 11th, at Secretts of Milford, Hurst Farm, and will feature lots of great artists, food and music. I will once again be selling cards and prints of my artwork, and will be happy to chat!
The Big Arts Show - Shrewsbury
Early on Friday 1st July, I set up a stall at my first ever art show. The Big Arts Show in Shrewsbury is on its third year, and features artists, creators and musicians from all over the country. Over the three-day event I met some lovely people and sold quite a few cards!
I'm excited to say I will also be at the Big Arts Show's first event in Milford, Surrey between 9th-11th September. If you missed the chance to visit the Shrewsbury Show, don't miss out on the Southern debut!
Colour Collective - Pompeian Red
A tropical Pompeian Red flamingo for last week's Colour Collective.
Art Vs Artist
I just had to have a go at the #artvsartist meme. It was certainly difficult to choose!
Colour Collective - Velvet Clover
A very quick Velvet Clover mouse for this week's Colour Collective!
Apparently this is my 30th Colour Collective artwork. Hopefully there will be many more to come!